
Painting Tips


Painting with our AlkydPro colors is much like using traditional oils. They can be cleaned/thinned with odorless mineral spirits or other paint thinners.  Also, mediums and varnishes originally intended for oil can be used with AlkydPro. Cleaning brushes after painting is important, as paint will dry quickly if left exposed to air. Clean up with paint thinner and soap intended for oil paint removal. It is recommended to tightly cover with plastic wrap palettes to slow drying of unused paint.

Mixing with Traditional Oil:

AlkydPro paints and mediums can be mixed with traditional oil paints. If using both together at the same time, be sure to mix consistently on the palette to ensure a uniform drying time over the entire surface. It is important to note that alkyd should not be used over the top of oils unless the oil layer has fully dried for at least six months.

Impasto Painting:

Alkyds are known for their great glazing capabilities, but they can be used in Impasto work as well. However,  you must use a medium, such as one of our AlkydPro Impasto Mediums.  Alkyds are made to be used in thinner layers. If you are painting with a palette knife you should use a medium. With a medium, paint can be applied up to 1/4″ thick. AlkydPro Impasto medium allows this thick layer to dry thoroughly and quickly. Even thicker surfaces can be built up by allowing layers to dry.


AlkydPro Gel Medium FastDry is great for transparent glazes. Our mediums are concentrated and can be thinned to the desired thickness to create a smooth spreading luminous transparent layer. 


Varnishes used with oil are also compatible with AlkydPro. Although, AlkydPro remains bright and vibrant after drying, it is recommended to varnish, as any future chemical cleaning could remove the surface layer of paint otherwise. We recommend waiting at least 6 months before a final varnish.

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